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Health Blog

  • Ten Ways to Improve Your Eating Habits

    It can be hard work trying to eat in a more healthy way and it is easy to slip into bad habits.

    In this post, we share ten ways to help you improve those eating habits...

  • Your Gut Needs a Good Vacation Too!

    Even if you are really good about taking care of your gut health most of the time, you may be tempted to lapse into less healthy ways when going on vacation or enjoying special occasions.  We share some suggestions to keep your gut health on track whether at home or away...
  • How to Eat for Your Decade

    We have written in an earlier post about how we should be exercising in each decade of our lives but now it is the turn to think about what we should be eating!  And how this can change with each decade...
  • Why You Should Try to Avoid Processed and Ultra Processed Food in Your Diet

    We are frequently advised not to include processed food in our daily diets but what exactly are processed foods and how are they harmful to us?

    Most of us are well aware that we should try and eat a healthy diet but might not always be clear on what processed foods are - and then there are even ultra processed foods to cause concern.

  • An Apple a Day Still Holds True

    But apples are not just for cider and for apple juice

    They are for eating fresh too!  Find out about all the benefits when you eat an apple a day...

  • USA Bread and the Problem of Gluten Intolerance

    Have you ever asked yourself why there is so much gluten in bread - especially bread made in the USA?  The main reason is the wheat used.  American wheat is higher in gluten.  But that is not all...
  • Fruit and Vegetables Don't Have to be the Perfect Shape

    With food shortages and an increasing cost of living crisis hitting many parts of the world, it becomes more important than ever that every bit of food is put to good use.
  • A Tomato a Day...

    We all know that old saying about an "apple a day keeping the doctor away" but we might not know that the same can be said of a tomato!

    Research is now telling us that tomatoes are worth their weight in health benefits.

    Find out more about these top ten benefits...

  • How to Grow and Learn to Love KALE!

    Many have a love/hate relationship with broccoli and/or Brussels sprouts but kale comes close...

    There are many forms of kale and it is part of brassica family in the same way as cabbages, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are.

  • Add Both Zest and Spice to Your Life by Growing Horseradish

    Many of those who grow their own vegetables will include a clump of horseradish, perhaps without knowing exactly what to do with it!

    You might have noticed "horseradish sauce" preserved in jars to be served as an accompaniment with roast beef but that might be all. 

    You could also be surprised to read that the horseradish is a strong and beneficial plant with some gardeners pointing out that it can be a good friend both to you AND your garden.

  • Does Your Neck Show Your Age?

    The skin on our neck and chest is really delicate, with very little oil to provide natural hydration and protection and yet, so often we neglect this fragile area.

    Instead, we tend to focus all our attention on our faces.

    If you are anxious to quickly diminish those tell-tale signs of aging (that can so easily start to develop on the neck and décolletage), then, you're in the right place.

  • Is it a Watermelon or is it a Radish?

    Learn all about these colorful watermelon radishes together with a couple of recipes for you to try...