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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions
Why use your formulas when there are many prescription and over the counter drugs?
Our formulas are all natural and contain established homeopathic ingredients. Many of these homeopathic ingredients used in the production at Amoils.com have properties that have been applied since ancient times and the success of these same properties have been upheld in modern times.
Can your products be used on children?
Our H-Eczema Formula may be used on children ages 2 and up. All other formulas: ages 4 and up.
I am pregnant, can I use your products?
Please consult your Physician before using any products if you are pregnant or nursing. H-Stretch Marks Formula, H-Varicose Veins Formula, H-Fissures Formula, H-Hemorrhoids Formula and H-Eczema Formula are formulated for pregnant and nursing mothers. Unfortunately, we do not advise using the rest of our product range when pregnant or nursing.
Are your products used in any hospitals or by any doctors or medical professionals?
Yes, our products are used in medical practices throughout Europe and North America. We have many doctors, pharmacists, and other medical professionals who recommend our formulas.
Where can I find the ingredients?
The ingredients for each formula can be found on the individual product page of our website! Simply scroll down past customer reviews, and “how does it work” and you can see the ingredients for each formula. Of course all ingredients are listed on the label of the bottle.
What is the Shelf Life?
When stored in a cool, dry environment, the formula will last indefinitely.
Can I use more than one formula at the same time?
Yes, you can! For optimal results, allow 15 to 30 minutes between each application to ensure full absorption.
Are Your Products Vegan?
Yes! All products are vegan & cruelty-free; we never test on animals.
What about Gluten Free?
Yes most of our products are gluten-free! With the exception of H-Psoriasis Formula, H-Varicose Veins Formula, and H-Cracked Heels Formula these formulas contain wheatgerm and are not gluten-free. Each product is manufactured separately.
Can I still use my normal moisturizer along with Healing Natural Oils?
Yes! You can still use your normal moisturizer/makeup/SPF, but you should always apply the formula first and wait 20–30 minutes before applying anything else for best results.
My formula says I should apply this 3x daily, how long should I wait in between applications?
You should allow a minimum of 3–4 hours in between applications, as long as you allow this amount of time you can fit the applications in however is best for your schedule.
What if I miss an application?
If you miss an application, try to apply as soon as you remember, as missing applications will slow the healing process.
Can I use Healing Natural Oils on my eyelids?
Eyelids can be very sensitive, so care must be taken when applying our formulas anywhere near the eyes. Application needs to be at least the width of a finger away from the lash line. If you can apply the formula without getting it in your eye, you can proceed at your own risk.
Do I need to use a carrier oil with Healing Natural Oils?
No carrier oils are needed for applying our formulas! They are made skin safe, and you can apply straight from the bottle.
Can I use the tanning bed while using Healing Natural Oils?
Some essential oils contain natural compounds that react with UV light, so it's not recommended, but fine if sun block is applied over it (20 mins after application).
H-Acne Formula
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person, it may take anywhere from two weeks to a number of weeks for the product to work.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This depends on your condition. It is important that you do not run out of formula and interrupt the program.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically.
Does diet affect the condition?
It has been shown that fried foods and sugars may contribute to the skin condition.
What if I have scars from Acne?
Our H-Scars Formula is excellent for any type of scar and can be used in conjunction with H-Acne Formula if you have scars as well as a current acne outbreak.
H-Age Spots Formula
How soon will I see results?
Results differ from person to person. Skin tone will become more even and balanced within a few weeks and dark spots will diminish over time with continued use.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This depends on your needs. It is important that you do not run out of formula and keep applying. There is 11ml of Age Spots formula in one small bottle, sufficient for over 100 applications using one drop per application. Should you be applying to a large area you may need more formula. Save when purchasing our 33ml size bottle. This formula can be used as part of your regular skin care program.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on your fingers to apply topically, take care to avoid direct contact with eyes.
I'm 75 years old, can I still use the product?
Yes, this formula is safe to use from the age of 4 and up.
I currently take high blood pressure medication, can I use the product with my medication?
All our formulas contain natural established homeopathic ingredients and natural essential oils, no chemicals or additives. Our formulas do not interfere with other treatment or medication. If you are unsure, we suggest you consult your medical professional.
Does diet affect the condition?
A healthy diet is always important. It is also important to drink a lot of water in order to cleanse your system.
I am pregnant, can I use the acne product?
H-Age Spots Formula may not be used while pregnant or breastfeeding.
H-Arthritis Formula
How soon will I see results?
The process differs from person to person. With regular applications, the formula will help treat your arthritis symptoms.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This depends on the severity of the condition. More severe cases may require additional formula. We offer two size bottles: An 11ml and a 33ml size. The 11ml size is sufficient for a small area, if you are using the product on a large area, you will need the 33ml size bottle. Save 23% when you purchase the 33ml over the price and volume of the 11ml bottle!
How do I apply the product?
Use your fingers to apply a few drops to the affected areas and massage for 10-20 seconds to allow the formula to be fully absorbed.
I am 75 years old, can I still use this product?
Yes, this formula is safe to use from the age of 4 and up.
I currently take high blood pressure medication, can I use the product with my medication?
All our formulas contain natural established homeopathic ingredients and natural essential oils, no chemicals or additives. Our formulas do not interfere with other treatment or medication. If you are unsure, we suggest you consult your medical professional.
I am in constant pain, can I use painkillers with this product?
Yes, you can use painkillers with this formula, it will not interfere with the process.
What about Psoriatic Arthritis?
For Psoriatic Arthritis, use in conjunction with H-Psoriasis Formula.
Formula for Athletes Foot
Will your product address the symptoms of athletes foot?
H-Nail Fungus Formula will address the symptoms of athletes foot including redness, itching and odor. However, the fungus reproduces itself by spores which are kept in ideal conditions. It is advisable that you replace your socks as the dead skin can contain the fungus and cause it to spread to new areas on the foot. We also suggest that you wrap your shoes in a plastic bag and place them in the freezer for 12 hours.
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person, the process may take anywhere from one week to a few weeks. However, most people experience instant relief from the symptoms when using H-Athlete's Foot Formula.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This depends on your condtion. It is important that you do not run out of formula and interrupt the program. There is 11ml of H-Nail Fungus Formula in one bottle, sufficient for over 100 applications. If you have the condition in numerous places on your feet and elsewhere, we suggest you get the large, 33ml bottle (Save 23%).
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically.
Can I use your formula for nail fungus.
Yes, H-Nail Fungus formula is formulated for use on nail fungus, jock itch and athlete’s foot H-Athlete's Foot.
Can I apply the formula to my groin area?
In severe cases of athlete's foot the fungus may find its way to the groin area. H-Nail Fungus Formula is suitable for Jock itch.
Is athlete's foot contagious?
The fungus is very contagious. We shed skin all the time which usually ends up on the floor. If someone walks on the dead skin, they could be infected with the fungus.
H-Cellulite Formula
I have used other products for cellulite, why will your product help me?
Constituents in our formula help reduce the appearance of cellulite by smoothing cellulite dimples and skin.
How soon will I see results??
The process varies from person to person. The appearance of cellulite starts to diminish after a few weeks of application.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on your fingers and gently massage onto the affected areas. Full instructions will be included.
How often do I apply the product?
The formula is applied three times per day to the condition. The easiest times to apply are early morning, early evening and before bedtime.
How much formula will I need?
This will depend on the area and severity of your condtion. It is important that you do not run out of formula and interrupt the program. There is 33ml of H-Cellulite Formula in one bottle, sufficient for over 200 applications. If you have a large area of cellulite, we suggest you start with at least two bottles of formula.
What about diet and exercise?
A healthy diet and exercise is very important to a healthy lifestyle and will assist with H-Cellulite Formula in improving the appearance of cellulite. We also recommend drinking plenty of water.
I also have stretch marks, Will this product work?
Our H-Stretch Marks Formula is formulated specifically to improve stretch marks by smoothing skin and is excellent for stretch marks anywhere on the body. H-Stretch Marks Formula can be used in conjunction with H-Cellulite Formula if you have stretch marks as well as cellulite.
H-Cracked Heels Formula
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This will depend on the severity of your condition. During the process it is important you do not run out of formula or the program will be interrupted. One bottle is 11ml and contains approximately 120 applications.
How soon will I see results?
Time varies from person to person, it generally takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to significantly smooth the skin of cracked heels.
How do I apply the product?
Place a drop or two on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically directly to your affected heels. Full instructions will be included.
H-Eczema Formula
I have used a number of medications including cortisone, why will your product help me?
Our H-Eczema Formula is all natural and contains established homeopathic ingredients which work directly on the eczema symptoms.
I have dry / weeping eczema, can I use your product?
Our formula is specifically formulated for all eczema symptoms including those for dry and weeping eczema.
How soon will I see results?
The process varies from person to person. Typical results take about 2 weeks but generally relief from the symptoms such as itching will be immediate.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops of formula on your fingertips and apply topically.
Can your formula be used on children
H-Eczema Formula may be used on children ages 2 and up.
H-Fissures Formula
How soon will I see results?
The process varies from person to person. The majority of people who use our products experience quick relief of symptoms. The overall process can take as little as 2 - 6 weeks. Please be patient and be consistent with applications. It is important to apply three times a day without missing applications.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on your fingers to apply topically. The easiest way to apply would be as follows: allow one drop to fall onto your finger, gently apply and repeat with another drop. Repeat this process three times a day.
How many bottles of formula will I need?
Symptoms of fissures are generally reduced within 2 to 6 weeks. One 11ml size bottle of H-Fissures Formula is sufficient for 3-4 weeks of application. If there is still discomfort after 3 weeks, you will require a second bottle, or you can save 23% on our large 33ml size bottle. SAVE 23%! when selecting the large bottle versus the smaller 11ml bottle. Fissures may recur, many of our customers keep a bottle handy in order to use the formula immediately when the symptoms appear.
Do I need to change my diet?
Increase your raw fruit and vegetables intake during the program. It is also advisable to eliminate dairy, wheat and sugar. Drink lots of water and consume natural yogurt. (yogurt is not classified as dairy, the molecular structure has changed)
What about hemorrhoids?
We have a specially formulated product called H-Hemorrhoids Formula. If you have fissures and hemorrhoids, use H-Fissures Formula first, followed by H-Hemorrhoids Formula.
H-Glow Formula
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person, expect several weeks for results, however early signs that the formula is beginning to take effect can be noticed after about four weeks.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This depends on your needs. It is important that you do not run out of formula and keep applying. There is 11ml of H-Glow formula in one small bottle, sufficient for over 100 applications, and one drop of formula is enough for a relatively large area of wrinkles. Should you be applying to a very large area you may need more formula. Save when purchasing our 33ml size bottle. This formula can be used as part of your regular skin care program.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on your fingers to apply topically, take care to avoid direct contact with eyes.
Can I use your formula for wrinkles around the eye and mouth areas.
H-Glow is gentle yet effective and may be used for wrinkles around the eye or mouth areas, take care to avoid direct contact with the eyes and do not ingest.
H-Headaches Formula
How soon will I see results?
Common headache symptoms will dissipate immediately. The entire headache will be significantly reduced within a short period of time depending on the severity.
How much formula do I need?
This depends on how often you get a headache as the formula is only applied when a headache exists. A small amount of formula is used per application.
How do I apply the product?
Use a few drops of formula and massage a small amount to your temples, and back of neck.
I suffer from migraines, will this product help me?
Yes, H-Headaches Formula is effective in reducing the pain associated with all types of headaches, including migraines, cluster headaches, stress headaches, etc.
I get headaches quite frequently, will this help get rid of headaches in the future?
H-Headaches Formula works to reduce the pain associated with headaches very quickly. The formula delivers a broad spectrum healing effect.
H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula
You have two products, I am not sure which one to use?
H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula is formulated specifically for hemorrhoids that have ruptured causing minor bleeding. If you have hemorrhoids that have ruptured, you will need both our H-Hemorrhoids Formula and H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula. If you do not have any bleeding, you will only need the H-Hemorrhoids Formula.
I have both conditions, which product should I use first?
Apply H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula and when the bleeding has stopped, continue with the formula for two to three days and then switch to the H-Hemorrhoids Formula. See below for H-Hemorrhoids
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically. The easiest way to apply would be as follows: allow one drop to fall onto your finger, gently apply and repeat with another drop.
H-Hemorrhoids Formula
You have two products, I am not sure which one to use?
H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula is formulated specifically for hemorrhoids that have ruptured causing minor bleeding. If you have hemorrhoids that have ruptured, you will need both our H-Hemorrhoids Formula and H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula. If you do not have any bleeding, you will only need the H-Hemorrhoids Formula.
I have both conditions, which product should I use first?
Apply H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula and when the bleeding has stopped, continue with the formula for two to three days and then switch to the H-Hemorrhoids Formula.
How soon will I see results?
The process varies from person to person. The majority of people who use our products experience immediate relief. It can take as little as 2 weeks to 6 weeks to complete the process. At first you may not notice any change in the condition but, be patient! Usually the first signs will be when the hemorrhoids shrink in size in the early morning and come up again later in the day. Continue with regular applications. It is important to apply three times a day without missing applications.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically. The easiest way to apply would be as follows: allow one drop to fall onto your finger, gently apply and repeat with another drop.
How many bottles of formula will I need?
Hemorrhoids shrinkage may take up to 6 weeks. One bottle of 11 ml H-Hemorrhoids Formula will last ± 3 to 4 weeks. If shrinkage does not occur after 3 weeks, you will require a second bottle, or save 23% with our large 33 ml bottle. Hemorrhoids may recur, many of our customers keep a bottle handy because the second time you use the formula, it works much faster, often in 10 days.
Do I need to change my diet?
Increase your raw fruit and vegetables intake during the program. It is also advisable to eliminate dairy, wheat and sugar, this will aid your body in healing the condition. Drink lots of water and consume natural yogurt. (yogurt is not classified as dairy, the molecular structure has changed)
What about anal fissures?
We have a specially formulated product for anal fissures called H-Fissures Formula. If you have hemorrhoids as well as fissures, use H-Fissures Formula first, followed by H-Hemorrhoids Formula once the fissures have cleared.
H-Sleep Aid Formula
I've used other products, how does yours differ?
Many products contain harmful chemicals that are foreign to the body and may have side effects. H-Sleep Aid Formula is all natural and contains established homeopathic ingredients. There are no harmful chemicals used in our products. H-Sleep Aid Formula works to relax your body and soothes your mind to promote deep sleep.
How do I use H-Sleep Aid Formula?
Massage a few drops into your temples and back of neck 30 minutes before bedtime. You may also use a few drops of formula in your bath water, shortly before bedtime. This will help to relax you and prepare for sleep.
What can I expect to happen?
H-Sleep Aid Formula will relax you and aid in sleeping without the harmful side effects of sleeping pills. The formula naturally assists with sleeping.
How else can I prevent insomnia?
We strongly recommend avoiding any type of stimulant in the evening, especially tea or coffee after 4pm in order to develop a relaxed evening routine. It is also recommended to not eat or exercise a few hours before bedtime. During the day, be sure to exercise and get plenty of fresh air to help get a better night's sleep.
Formula for Jock Itch
How do I apply the product?
Using a few drops, apply the formula onto the affected area, three times per day.
How soon will I see results?
H-Nail Fungus Formula will immediately assist in relieving the symptoms of fungal infection.
I have Tinea Cruris - will this product work?
Yes, Tinea Cruris is Jock Itch and the formula is specifically formulated to work on the symptoms of tinea cruris including itching and burning.
I also have Athlete's Foot - Can I still use this product?
H-Nail Fungus Formula works on the symptoms of Jock Itch, Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus.
H-Moles Formula
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically directly to the moles.
How soon will I see results?
The time varies from person to person, it may take anywhere from two weeks to six weeks to treat the symptoms of skin moles.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This depends on how many moles you have and the size of the moles. It is important that you do not run out of formula and interrupt the program. There is 11ml of H-Moles Formula product in one bottle, sufficient for over 120 applications. If you have the condition in numerous places on your body, we suggest you get at least two bottles of formula or save 23% with our large size - 33ml with over 360 applications per bottle.
What if I have scars from old moles?
Our H-Scars Formula is excellent for any type of scar and can be used in conjunction with H-Moles Formula if you have scars as well as a current mole.
H-Nail Fungus Formula
Will your product get rid of nail fungus symptoms permanently?
H-Nail Fungus Formula will significantly reduce all symptoms of nail fungus. However, the fungus reproduces itself by spores which are kept in ideal conditions. Dead skin is constantly being shed and some of that dead skin will be present in the socks or gloves you have worn and washing does not get rid of them. It is advisable to get rid of your socks and/or gloves. We also suggest that you wrap your shoes in a plastic bag and place them in the freezer for 12 hours.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This will depend on the number of fingernails / toenails that are affected. This is a process, so it is important you do not run out of formula or the program will be interrupted. One regular size bottle is 11ml and contains over 120 applications. Or save 23% with our large size - 33ml with over 360 applications per bottle.
How soon will I see results?
Time varies from person to person, the process takes anywhere from a week to a few weeks. Most people will experience quick improvement of the symptoms of nail fungus.
How do I apply the product?
Place a drop or two on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically directly to your affected nails.
Can I use your formula for athlete's foot.
H-Nail Fungus formula is formulated specifically for fingernail and toenail fungus. We suggest using our H-Athlete's Foot Formula to treat the symptoms of athlete's foot and foot fungus.
What about greenies - will this product work ?
Yes, H-Nail Fungus Formula is effective on greenies, otherwise known as green nail beds, which are caused by excess moisture stuck under false nails.
Is my nail fungus contagious?
Nail fungus can be very contagious. We shed skin all the time which usually ends up on the floor. If someone walks on the dead skin, they could be infected with the fungus.
H-Psoriasis Formula
How soon will I see results?
Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin condition that varies enormously in severity. Therefore, application will differ. Symptoms such as the discomfort and itching are generally relieved with topical applications, followed by the flaking and lesions. The formula will then work on repairing the damaged skin.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This depends on the severity of your psoriasis. More severe cases may require additional formula. We offer two size bottles: An 11ml and a 33ml size. The 11ml size is sufficient for a small area, if you are applying to a larger area, you will need the 33ml size bottle.
How do I apply the product?
Use your fingers or a Q-Tip to apply a small amount of formula to any affected areas. Two drops can also be added to your bath water when bathing.
What about Psoriatic Arthritis?
For Psoriatic Arthritis, use in conjunction with H-Arthritis Formula.
H-Rosacea Formula
How soon will I see results?
Results differ from person to person. Visible outbreaks will diminish over time and it may take anywhere from a few days to a number of weeks to control symptoms of Rosacea including reduction of redness and sensitivity.
Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?
This will depend on the severity. It is important that you do not run out of formula and interrupt the program. There is 11ml of H-Rosacea formula in one regular size bottle, sufficient for over 100 applications and 33ml in our large size, sufficient for over 300 applications. You save 23% with our large 33ml size.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically directly to the affected areas.
Does diet affect the condition?
A healthy diet is always important. A healthy diet and exercise will increase lymphatic flow and along with H-Rosacea can assist in reduction of those symptoms. It is also important to drink a lot of water in order to cleanse your system.
What if I have scars from Rosacea?
Our H-Scars Formula is excellent for any type of scar and can be used in conjunction with H-Rosacea Formula if you have scars as well as a current rosacea outbreak.
What if I have also have acne?
Our H-Acne Formula is formulated specifically to reduce the symptoms of acne outbreaks and is perfect for acne anywhere on the body and can also be used in conjunction with H-Rosacea Formula if you have acne as well as a current rosacea outbreak.
H-Scars Formula
I've had a scar for 30 years, will your product help?
Yes, the formula is effective in reducing the symptoms of any scar, no matter how old it is.
How much formula do I need?
This depends on how many scars you are addressing. One small 11ml bottle is sufficient for a small area.
How do I apply the product?
Use 1-2 drops on your finger or on a Q-Tip and gently masssage into the affected areas three times per day.
Can I use this product if I am pregnant?
H-Scars Formula may not be used when pregnant or breastfeeding.
Can I use this on my child?
H-Scars Formula may be used for children from age 4 years.
H-Skin Tags Formula
How soon will I see results?
Results will vary from person to person. The process takes anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, stubborn skin tags may take a little longer for results. Please be patient, the formula works naturally to treat skin tag symptoms, leaving no scarring. It is important to apply three times a day and do not miss any applications. If you miss one day it will push back the process by 2 to 4 days. Do not pick or scrape the skin tags, allow the formula to do the work.
Do I need more than one bottle of H-Skin Tags Formula?
This depends on the amount and size of your skin tags. It is important that you do not run out of formula and interrupt the program. There is 11ml of H-Skin Tags Formula, sufficient for over 120 applications. This will work for a few skin tags. If you have many skin tags, we suggest starting with at least two 11ml bottles of formula or save 23% with our large 33 ml bottle.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically. Simply dab each skin tag, do not saturate them.
My son is 3 years old, can I use H-Skin Tags Formula?
We do not recommend using our formula on children under the age of 4.
Do I need to place a band aid onto the skin tags after application?
If you choose, you may use a band aid on hands or fingers. However, it is not a necessity.
H-Stretch Marks Formula
I have used other products, why will your product help me?
Our natural product works to gently reduce the appearance of stretch marks using pure natural essential oils. The formula is gentle and extremely effective.
Can I use your product during nursing?
Our formula has been specifically formulated for pregnant and nursing mothers. Please consult your Physician before using this product if pregnant or nursing.
When do I begin applying the formula during pregnancy?
Start applying the formula on your abdomen and breasts from your fourth month.
How soon will I see results?
The process varies from person to person. You will start to see changes after 6-8 weeks of use.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on your fingers and gently massage onto the affected areas.
How often do I apply the product?
A minimum of two times per day, morning and evening. If you wish and it is convenient, you may also apply the formula in the middle of the day.
H-Varicose Veins Formula
How do I apply the product?
The formula is applied topically to the condition. With a few drops of the formula on your fingers, apply above and below the veins (not directly onto them) gently working upwards from ankle to thigh. Apply 3 times a day.
How soon will I see results?
The process differs from person to person. The formula will help to reduce the symptoms and discomfort of varicose veins. Continue to use throughout your pregnancy and for a few months after giving birth. Please consult a physician before using this product if you are pregnant or nursing.
How can I prevent varicose veins?
Walking is recommended to stimulate blood flow. Once a day lie in your bed for 15 minutes with your feet propped up higher than your head, this will help to stimulate blood flow through your entire body.
H-Warts Formula
How soon will I see results?
Results will vary from person to person. The process takes anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, stubborn warts may take a little longer. Please be patient, the formula works daily to reduce the symptoms of plantar, facial, common and flat warts with no scarring. It is important to apply three times a day and do not miss any applications. If you miss one day it will push back the process by 2 to 4 days. Do not pick or scrape the warts, allow the formula to do the work.
Do I need more than one bottle of H-Warts Formula?
This depends on the amount and size of your warts. It is important that you do not run out of formula and interrupt the program. There is 11ml of H-Warts Formula, sufficient for over 120 applications. This will work for a few warts. If you have many warts, we suggest starting with at least two 11ml bottles of formula or save 23% with our large 33 ml bottle.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically. Simply dab each wart, it is not necessary to saturate them.
My son is 3 years old, can I apply H-Warts Formula to his fingers?
We do not recommend using our formula on children under the age of 4.
Do I need to place a band aid onto the warts after application?
If you choose, you may use a band aid on hands or fingers. However, it is not a necessity.
Fsensual Formula
The formula is not to be used orally; can I still have oral sex?
You may still participate in oral sex.
How long does Fsensual Formula take to work?
For most people Fsensual Formula begins to take effect soon after applying. A tingling feeling and warmth will enhance arousal.
How do I apply the product?
Apply a few drops of Fsensual Formula to the inner labia and clitoris before sexual interaction for rapidly heightened arousal and an enhanced sexual experience. To increase libido, and improve your sex drive, try Fsensual Formula every day.
Simply Body Oil
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person but your skin will be instantly hydrated.*
How do I apply the product?
Shake well and massage into clean skin. We love keeping it in the shower and applying it while our skin is still damp.*
I am pregnant, can I use this product?
Simply Body Oil Serum may not be used while pregnant or breast feeding.
Simply Eye Serum
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person. You will feel the difference in your skin as it becomes hydrated and balanced.*
How do I apply the product?
Place a drop on each ring finger and gently apply around the eye area. Take care to avoid direct contact with the eyes. Use in the morning and evening as part of your skin care routine.*
I am pregnant, can I use this product?
Simply Eye Serum may not be used while pregnant or breast feeding.
Simply Face Oil
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person. You will feel the difference in your skin as it becomes hydrated.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on your fingers to apply topically to face, neck and décolletage. Use morning and evening as part of your skin care routine. Take care to avoid direct contact with eyes.
Can I use the formula around the mouth and eyes?
Simply Face Oil is gentle yet effective and may be used around the eye or mouth areas, take care to avoid direct contact with the eyes and do not ingest.
Simply Face Night Oil
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person. You will feel the difference in your skin as it becomes hydrated.
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on your fingers to apply topically to face and neck. Use at bedtime for a nourishing treatment. Take care to avoid direct contact with eyes.
Can I use the formula around the mouth and eyes?
Simply Face Night Oil is gentle yet effective and may be used around the eye or mouth areas, take care to avoid direct contact with the eyes and do not ingest.
I am pregnant, can I use this product?
Simply Face Night Oil is perfect to use while pregnant or breast feeding and complements Simply Face Oil which is used daily.
Simply Facial Cleansing Oil
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person. You will feel the difference in your skin as it becomes naturally cleansed.*
How do I apply the product?
Place 5-6 drops on your fingers and massage gently into face and neck. Remove with a warm wet washcloth or cotton swab. Use morning and evening as part of your skin care routine. Take care to avoid direct contact with eyes.*
Can I use the formula around the mouth and eyes?
Simply Cleansing Oil is gentle yet effective and may be used around the eye or mouth areas, take care to avoid direct contact with the eyes and do not ingest.*
I am pregnant, can I use this product?
Simply Cleansing Oil may not be used while pregnant or breast feeding.
Simply Hair Oil
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person. You will feel the difference in your hair as it becomes hydrated.
How do I apply the product?
Apply a small amount to the palm of your hand. Then, with your fingers, work the oil evenly throughout damp or dry hair. Once you are done styling, you can apply more to intensify shine and to eliminate frizz. The formula can be massaged into the scalp before shampooing. For deep hydration, leave in for 30 minutes and then shampoo.
How often do I use the product?
Simply Hair Oil is gentle yet effective and may be used daily to the ends of your hair for extra nourishment. After shampooing, use on damp hair or massage into scalp before shampooing.
Simply Hand Oil
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person. You will feel the difference in your skin as it becomes hydrated.*
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on the back of your hands and massage gently. Use morning and evening as part of your skin care routine and during the day as needed. Take care to avoid direct contact with eyes.*
I am pregnant, can I use this product?
Simply Hand Oil may not be used while pregnant or breast feeding.
Simply Neck Oil
How soon will I see results?
Results vary from person to person. You will feel the difference in your skin as it becomes firmer and hydrated.*
How do I apply the product?
Place a few drops on your fingers to apply topically to neck and décolletage. Use morning and evening as part of your skin care routine. Take care to avoid direct contact with eyes.*
I am pregnant, can I use this product?
Simply Neck Oil is not recommended while pregnant or breast feeding.

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