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  • What To Do When Acne Outbreaks Lead to Scars

    The problem with having acne in your teens and even in your twenties is that it can damage your skin cells.  Even though your acne may appear to have disappeared, deep depressions or scar tissue can remain behind.

    Your acne symptoms may disappear over time but you could still be left with acne scarring, giving your skin an irregular appearance.

    Find out more about what to do to prevent acne and acne scarring in the first place...

  • What is Lichen Sclerosus and What Can You Do to Help this Skin Condition?

    lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that causes itchy white patches on the genitals - or sometimes other parts of the body.  While there is no cure at this time, treatment can help relieve the symptoms.

  • Will Skin Tags Grow Back After Being Removed?

    A skin tag is a small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. The good news is that skin tags are not dangerous.  Find out where they appear on the body.
  • Are You A Magnet For Mosquitoes?

    Perhaps not so dangerous in the West, but a nuisance nevertheless, many of us can suffer pain and discomfort from mosquito bites at certain times of the year. Out of some three thousand species of mosquitoes in the world, roughly 200 can be found in the USA.