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Health Blog

  • Heart Harming Habits

    Many people are unknowingly harming their hearts through everyday habits.

    From sleep to stress levels, the impact of these habits can be more significant than you think and could even be putting your cardiovascular health at risk.

    We list five of these potential heart harming habits...

  • Top Ten Tips To Help You Age Well

    Whatever our age, we all want to continue to look as young as possible.

    While our chronological age is measured in years, our biological age will reflect how old our body really is.  And this can be influenced by several factors:

    • Our genes.
    • Our lifestyle.
    • Our environment.

    As we grow older, this does not always have to mean feeling older or acting older!

  • Top Ten Tips on How to Lift Your Mood

    At certain times of the year especially if you are experiencing a harsh, cold winter you might find that your spirits are a bit low.

    But help is at hand - we share some tips for lifting those spirits...

  • Goodbye Wrinkles , Hello Glow!

    Discover everything you need to know about wrinkles—what causes them, how to prevent them, and the best natural solutions to reduce their appearance.
  • Top Ten Tips To Boost That Memory

    According to recent research, our short term memory can benefit from exercise for the following twenty four hours.   So if we exercise every day, then such benefits can continue indefinitely!

    But there are other suggestions we can follow too...

  • Five Minutes to Spare? Simple "Get Fit" Exercises to Try

    However busy our lives are, everyone can spare five minutes!

    And with just five minutes, we can try one of these exercises - and build up from there to get fit with the minimum of effort...

  • Your Varicose Vein Solution Awaits

    Varicose veins can lead to a lot of discomfort when the swollen and enlarged veins occur on the legs and feet. They may be blue or dark purple, and are often lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance.
  • Five Top Tips for Surviving the Menopause

    We share five helpful tips to assist you through this difficult time - it can be several years...
  • There Are So Many Health Benefits in Nature!

    There are so many ways in which nature can help us to become healthier.

    We share just a handful as a starting off point...

  • Top Tips on Staying Mobile Whatever Your Age!

    We all want to be able to keep moving freely and easily - whatever our age.

    According to statistics, every year there are over thirty seven million falls globally that are severe enough to require medical attention!

    If we don't want to be one of those statistics, we need to make a plan to keep moving...

    We share some top tips on how to achieve this!

  • Why Electrolytes are Important for Your Body

    Electrolytes are salts and minerals found in our blood, helping to conduct electrical impulses in the body.

    Electrolytes play an essential role in the nervous system, keeping you hydrated, contracting muscles - and regulating the pH system.

    We share the signs and symptoms of when your electrolyte levels are low and how to add them back in a more natural way.

  • What Are Glimmers and How They Can Help You Achieve a Calmer Life

    We all know what "triggers" are and how they are a stimulus that can cause a person to have an emotional or behavioral response - often based on a negative experience.  Triggers can be internal or external and can come from a variety of sources.

    But have you heard of "glimmers" and do you know what they are?Â