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Health Blog

  • WARTS Covered Her Hands – Incredible Before & After!

    Warts are commonly found skin conditions of small skin growths that can be painful and unsightly.

    The good news is that warts are usually harmless and can be resolved quickly and without stinging or pain.

  • Why it is so Important to Give and to Get Hugs

    While we may not pay too much attention to the subject of hugging, we need to know that a hug from a partner, a close friend or a family member can mean so much.

    This source of greeting or comfort can have positive effects on our brain and body.  There are so many reasons why hugs are good for your health and wellbeing.

  • When You Need Help With Children Who Are Fussy Eaters!

    Of course young children have no idea about what they should be eating to ensure they grow up healthy and strong.  And parents often struggle to do the right thing...

    In a study by the World Health Organization, one of the statistics that came out was that only twenty two percent of children eat vegetables every day.  Figures were a bit better for eating fruit daily - forty two percent of children.

    We share information on how much fruit and vegetables your children be eating and how to achieve this?

  • The Importance of Encouraging Your Child to Read Often

    One of the best things you can do for your children is to instil a love of reading from an early age.
  • How to Keep Your Children Germ Free in School

    Back to school for the cooler months of the year means that children are all moving indoors, making it much easier for infections to get to their noises, their throats and their tummies.

    But what can you do to help them stay germ-free and healthy so they don't have to miss those vital school days and also don't spread any infections to others.

  • Say Goodbye to Children's Warts!

    Flat warts are the most common type of warts in children, usually appearing on the cheeks or forehead but they can also be seen on the backs of the hands and on the legs with the appearance of smooth, flat-topped, yellow-brown papules. They are pink, brown or yellowish in color. 

    Find out more about how to prevent warts in children and how to get rid of them, safely and gently...

  • Does Your Child Have a Problem with Stammering or Stuttering?

    Known as stuttering in the USA and stammering in the UK, this is a speech problem which occurs when the speaker is not able to maintain a smooth forward flow of speech and experiences recurrent blocks in the production of speech sounds in conversational speech, particularly when excited or under psychological stress.
  • How to Encourage Young Children to Enjoy Nature

    Children come with a natural curiosity about the world around them and it is good if we can encourage and nurture that curiosity so they explore and learn as much as possible.

    We share some ideas on how to help achieve this...

  • Can Air Pollution Affect Your Child's Ability to Learn?

    Many parents and teachers worry about the affect of air pollution on children in general but recent research by the University of Manchester in the UK and the two charities - Global Action Plan and The Phillips Foundation - has found that it can affect their ability to learn too.
  • Tips For Warts & Verrucas in Children

    Children and teens are more likely to get plantar warts or verrucas than other age groups. 

    They are more susceptible to warts because their immune systems are not fully developed, and the areas on their body are more prone to a minor injury, so often a break in the skin makes it easy for the wart to enter.

    It may take two to six months after exposure for plantar warts to appear...

  • How to Persuade Your Family to Give Up Those Processed and Ultra-Processed Foods

    How do you wean your family off processed and ultra processed foods?

    It is not easy - it takes time and perseverance but it can be done. The first thing to do is to work out what you can use as a healthy substitute for each your family's favorite processed food dishes. And then there are individual things like sugar, cookies, sodas and more. They all have to go!

  • Fuss-Free Fun For Your Young Family

    Now more than ever it has become important to encourage our young children to use their imaginations to keep them entertained and happy instead of relying on electronic devices.

    Fortunately, there are "play experts" who can share their knowledge and expertise to help parents with this important work...