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  • Lavender Oil for Calming, Soothing and More

    The wonderful aroma of Lavender Oil, derived from the Lavandula angustifolia plant, is known for its calming and soothing properties, potentially helping to reduce stress and anxiety while promoting better sleep and even supporting skin health and wound healing. 

  • All You Need to Know About Lemons


    Lemons have so many uses from cooking and baking to cleaning and natural remedies and I have a slice of lemon every day in my mug of black tea...

  • How to Increase the Microbes in the Plants we Eat!

    Humans have a microbiota made up of microbes which will defend us against unwanted disease and ailments.  Plants do too and we can benefit from their microbiota by eating a diet that is rich in organic fruit and vegetables.  Find out more about ensuring this happens!

  • Skin Care Can be Just as Important for Males as for Females

    You may not be aware that many commercial skin care and personal care products are loaded with toxins and chemicals. 

    If you look at the label on any such product, you will probably find a list of long incomprehensible ingredients. 

    Fortunately you have the choice to go for a natural alternative whether you are male or female...

  • Essential Oils to Help Keep Your Home Fresh and Clean

    We share some ways in which you can clean and refresh your home with sustainable  homemade recipes.

    They are simple and economical to make as well as being very effective to use - and they all include a few drops of essential oil to fill your space with a lovely fragrance too...

  • Top Ten Tips To Help You Age Well

    Whatever our age, we all want to continue to look as young as possible.

    While our chronological age is measured in years, our biological age will reflect how old our body really is.  And this can be influenced by several factors:

    • Our genes.
    • Our lifestyle.
    • Our environment.

    As we grow older, this does not always have to mean feeling older or acting older!

  • Top Ten Tips on How to Lift Your Mood

    At certain times of the year especially if you are experiencing a harsh, cold winter you might find that your spirits are a bit low.

    But help is at hand - we share some tips for lifting those spirits...

  • Coffee Grounds Have So Many Uses

    Are you an avid coffee drinker?  Do you just throw away those used coffee grinds without a second thought? We share plenty of ways you can put them to good use...
  • How to Help a Friend or Relative who is Hoarding

    Nearly everyone will know of someone who has a severely cluttered home – often to the extent of being a hoarder.

    While there is a huge difference between regular clutter and excessive hoarding, the problem of hoarding is now so widespread that it has become known as a definite disorder or a condition.

    We share more information on this condition and how to help someone who is a hoarder...

  • How To Make A Healthier & Safer Home For Your Family

    In the USA, there is no compulsory "health testing" for new carpets or construction materials so that any chemicals used could be off gassing either temporarily or even permanently – to the detriment of our health.
  • How to be an Early Bird Instead of a Night Owl

    We all know there are two types of people in this world - those who are morning people (the early birds) and those who are happy to stay up late (the night owls).

    We share the distinct benefits of being an early bird...

  • Top Ten Tips To Boost That Memory

    According to recent research, our short term memory can benefit from exercise for the following twenty four hours.   So if we exercise every day, then such benefits can continue indefinitely!

    But there are other suggestions we can follow too...