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Health Blog

  • Why It Is Sometimes a Good Thing to Scratch that Itch!

    There are several skin conditions that can cause mild to severe itching. 

    Skin conditions that are commonly associated with itchiness include: eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, dry skin, athletes foot, jock itch and more. 

  • Did You Know That We All Have Eyelash Mites?

    Yes we all do! But the good news is that for most of us they are not usually a cause for concern. Find out more about what to do if eyelash mites start to become a problem...
  • Are Your Bathroom Towels Providing a Breeding Ground for Bacteria?

    I wonder how often you wash your towels?  There is a big debate going on about this subject especially as you may well think that as towels are only used to dry clean bodies (straight after a shower or a bath) or clean hands (after they have been washed, do they need to be washed that often?

    But it is not as simple as that..