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Health Blog

  • Why It Is Sometimes a Good Thing to Scratch that Itch!

    There are several skin conditions that can cause mild to severe itching. 

    Skin conditions that are commonly associated with itchiness include: eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, dry skin, athletes foot, jock itch and more. 

  • How to Help an Itchy Scalp

    An itchy scalp can cause a lot of discomfort.  It is wise to try and find out what is causing the itchiness before you decide on a solution.
  • Eczema Relief Made Simple with Natural Strategies for All Ages

    Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that can affect adults as well as children.  It is also common during pregnancy.

    It is characterized by itchy, inflamed patches of skin.  These can ooze and flareup.

    Eczema is the most common type of dermatitis and can be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

  • Top Solutions for Rosacea & Eczema

    There are two serious skin conditions that can sometimes cause confusion. 

    These are eczema and rosacea.

    We share the differences, making it easier to tell them apart.

  • Making Your Home Smell Fresh, Naturally

    Unfortunately, many of can still be the target of synthetic scents which can cause harm.

    We share some of the toxic health effects of synthetic scents and how you can find more natural ways to make your home smell good...

  • Did You Know That We All Have Eyelash Mites?

    Yes we all do! But the good news is that for most of us they are not usually a cause for concern. Find out more about what to do if eyelash mites start to become a problem...
  • Are Your Bathroom Towels Providing a Breeding Ground for Bacteria?

    I wonder how often you wash your towels?  There is a big debate going on about this subject especially as you may well think that as towels are only used to dry clean bodies (straight after a shower or a bath) or clean hands (after they have been washed, do they need to be washed that often?

    But it is not as simple as that..

  • Psoriasis or Eczema?

    Psoriasis and Eczema are certainly both serious skin conditions.  But is that where the similarity ends?
  • Eczema and the risk from Vitamin D deficiency

    The Vitamin D Council has come out with something interesting.  It says that while the causes of eczema aren’t fully understood as yet, there does seem to be a connection between having low vitamin D levels and the common skin condition known as eczema.

    We explore this further...

  • Breakthrough New Research For Eczema

    We have written on this subject before but now new research published in the British Journal of Dermatology has found that babies had a lower risk of developing atopic eczema in their first year IF their mothers take a Vitamin D supplement.
  • Wrinkles will Definitely Come with Smoking

    While smokers are usually well aware that cigarette smoking puts their health at risk, they might not realize that their skin can be seriously affected too.

    The problem is that cigarettes are full of toxins that can lead to premature aging, wrinkles and other skin conditions.  In fact, if you have an existing skin condition, smoking can aggravate this condition.

  • Eczema is a Common Skin Condition in Pregnancy

    When you are pregnant, there can be a whole list of unwanted discomforts that you might have to endure.  In addition, pregnancy can trigger a lot of different changes in the skin for women.  These can include eczema outbreaks.