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  • Goodbye Nail Fungus & Athlete’s Foot!

    If you are suffering from nail fungus or athletes foot, we share helpful tips and solutions for these two fungal infections...
  • How to Keep in Touch with Friends Whether Old or New

    As we get older, move to another part of the country or even move to another country completely, we might find that we have lost touch with some of our old friends...

    We share some tips on how to revive those old friendships - that is if we want to!

  • The Ultimate Solution for Nail Fungus

    When nail fungus appears in the nails - it can be the finger nails or it can be the toe nails - the sight of the fungus can be quite a shock.

    Our nails develop in the nail root (known as the nail matrix) and grows from there.

    If you have been infected with nail fungus, the fungus penetrates through the nail, migrating to the nail root within your body, taking hold and attacking the regenerating and growing nail.

    Unfortunately, as long as the nail fungus is present at the nail root, the nail will always regrow infected with the fungus...

  • Got Athlete's Foot or Nail Fungus?

    Our feet work hard for us but they can also be an indication when there is a problem with our health.

    For example, always be aware if you consistently have cold toes, you have a cut on your toe that refuses to heal or your feet and ankles swell up.  Such symptoms should be investigated by your medical practitioner.

    But there are other clues to look out for too... 

  • Are Your Nails Affected by Nail Fungus?

    For many of us, we would love to have healthy, natural looking nails while others prefer to have their nails cared for and even enhanced at a nail bar. 

    But whatever our preference, we want to avoid any appearance of nail fungus whether it is our finger nails or our toenails.

    Find out more about fungal nail infections and what you can do to prevent or treat this problem...

  • Why Do Our Fingers and Toes Get Wrinkles When Immersed in Water for Some Time?

    We have all experienced that phenomenon when we have spent too long in the bath, the Jacuzzi, the pool or even a natural body of water - and our fingers and toes take on a whole new appearance.

    They can become wrinkled and pale with the skin sometimes looking a bit bloated and strange.

    Find out more about why this happens...

  • Does Exposure to Sunlight Help Toenail Fungus?

    UVB from the sun is a very potent germicidal agent and, if you suffer from a common and chronic nail infection known as onychomycosis, you could find a daily dose of sunlight (between the hours of 10am and 2pm when UVB rays come to the fore) would finally get rid of your problem.
  • What causes warts on feet & how to get rid of feet warts?

    While regular warts are usually harmless (but may be unsightly), warts on the feet can be a different matter and are often very painful. Warts on the feet are called verrucas but also known as plantar's warts.  The pressure of walking or standing on them flattens them so they can become very painful. 
  • Can You Treat Nail Fungus Naturally?

    Nail fungus is a common infection of the nail which can affect either or both the fingernails and the toenails.

    It starts with a white or yellow brown spot under the tip of the nail but as the fungal infection goes deeper and spreads, the nail may become discolored, thicken and crumble at the edge.

    It is always wise to treat nail fungus even if it is mild and not causing any discomfort.  This is because the earlier you catch it, the easier it is to treat it.  

  • Why You Should Encourage Your Children to Go Barefoot!

    When you child starts to crawl and then to walk, don't be in too much of a hurry to put him or her into shoes.

    For example, many parents will buy children their first pair of shoes before they are even walking.  However, research has shown that wearing shoes may actually be doing more damage than good.  While parents may feel that children need a good pair of shoes to protect their feet and ankles as they grow, the shoes themselves can actual hinder muscle development - even causing problems for muscle development from toes right up to hips. 

    We share a host of benefits for children who can go barefoot...

  • You Cannot be in a Rush When you Treat Nail Fungus

    Yes, treating nail fungus requires patience.  Although these infections are common, they are not serious but they can take a long time to treat.

    While they are more likely to occur on your toenails, your fingernails can be infected too.

  • Why Do Your Feet Hurt?

    Did you know that your feet can walk or run 110,000 miles in your lifetime?
    It is no wonder that sometimes they can feel the strain!  Here are at least five good reasons why your feet might be hurting...Â