Time to Change Seasons for Your Wardrobe

Whether you are going into winter or summer, this is the right time of the year to take a rain check on your clothes for the coming season.
And at the same time to take the opportunity to deep clean your closet for a fresh start to the season.
If there are other family members' closets that need attention, then spread the job over two or more sessions to avoid organization overwhelm!
Step one is to clear out your wardrobe!
Empty your closet and drawers completely - yes, we know this can seem quite drastic - organizing items into piles as you go. At the same time, you can decide:
- What to return to your closets.
- What can be stored until next season and...
- What can be given away, sold or discarded.
Check on anything that might need cleaning or repairing and put to one side for attention.
But before you start to put items back into your wardrobe, remember this next step!
Step two is to get cleaning!
Something we might not think of as needing doing is to clean the wardrobe itself. It can become surprisingly dusty from carpets, clothing fibers, dirt brought in on shoes and even our own skin cells.
Clean from top to bottom with your favorite cleaning tools, finishing off by wiping down with a damp cloth.

Step three is to check for any damage or mold
There may be loose shelves or screws that have become undone.
Check there is no mold or mildew on the shelves or walls. Regular mildew can be removed with a wet cloth and bleach if it is a non-porous surface. For any porous surfaces, use regular white vinegar which will penetrate to kill the mold and mildew at source, preventing it from regrowing.
For a major moisture problem, consider using an electric dehumidifier from time to time to suck the moisture out of the air. Dehumidifier bags will do the job for drawers and other small areas.
However, if there is any evidence of black mold, then you will need to consult a specialist.
Do you have a problem with moths? Then step four is here...
You might not know that moth larvae feed on animal fibers including wool, silk, feathers and leather. One tip if you detect moth damage is to freeze the affected clothing to kill the larvae.
But if you are packing clothing away for the season, store them in moth repellent bags.
In the meantime, to deter moths:
- Use dried lavender.
- Natural essential oils such as clove bud, May Chang or our own Lavender Oil.
- Cedarwood balls.