Skin Care Can be Just as Important for Males as for Females
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Skin Care Can be Just as Important for Males as for Females

You may not be aware that many commercial skin care and personal care products are loaded with toxins and chemicals. 

If you look at the label on any such product, you will probably find a list of long incomprehensible ingredients. 

Fortunately you have the choice to go for a natural alternative...

At long last, men are starting to take extra care of their skin

The integrity of the male skin is very important to prevent harmful bacteria and micro-organisms from penetrating the natural barrier of the skin.

Shaving removes this natural barrier and even puts the skin at extra risk through nicks and cuts caused by a razor. In addition, the blade of the razor carries bacteria and micro-organisms.  Today, it has become so much more common for men to shave less often and  even to grow a beard.

Natural products are so much safer to use because natural ingredients will soothe, nourish and protect the skin.

Our own range of Simply Beauty Skin Products can be used by men and women alike.

Of course women have been looking after their skin for decades and mostly with over-the-counter products bought from their local pharmacy or department store. 

The good news is that there are now natural products for males and females

If you have a particular and troubling skin condition, our own natural products will be able to come to your assistance, covering acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and many more. All 100% natural, produced from the highest quality pure natural ingredients - free from additives or chemicals. 

Let nature take its course”. 

Toothpaste is a product that everyone uses every day

Commercial toothpastes are manufactured with such toxins and chemicals as sodium fluoride, triclosan, Blue Dye numbers 1 and 2, sodium lauryl sulfate and hydrated silica. Take a look at your own toothpaste tube and see what is written there.

Those ingredients are why we are not supposed to swallow toothpaste – it comes with a warning.

Better to search for a natural toothpaste that you and your children can use without fear. 

Sun protection

Although hardly an essential during these winter months (unless you are going skiing or off to the sunshine for a “get away from the winter” holiday) it is always best to look for a natural sun screen.  If you are going to be in the hot sun for more than twenty minutes or so (after topping up your vitamin D levels), you will need a sunscreen.

Many people have skin sensitivity and so often this turns out to be an allergic reaction to those ingredients in the commercial skin care products.

You can easily remedy this by changing to natural skin care and personal products – there is now plenty of choice.


Donejko M, et al. (2014). Influence of caffeine and hyaluronic acid on collagen biosynthesis in human skin fibroblasts. (Accessed, Feb 15, 2021)

El-Domyati M, et al. (2016). Microdermabrasion: A clinical, histometric, and histopathologic study. DOI: .(Accessed, Feb 15, 2021)

Kang S, et al. (1996). Topical tretinoin (retinoic acid) improves early stretch marks., Feb 15, 2021)