Five Minutes to Spare? Simple "Get Fit" Exercises to Try

However busy our lives are, everyone can spare five minutes!
And with just five minutes, we can try one of these exercises - and build up from there to get fit with the minimum of effort...
1. Take the stairs!
Regularly taking the stairs has been linked to a twenty four percent reduced risk of dying from any cause - and a twenty nine per cent lower likelihood of dying from heart disease.
We can all integrate short bouts of stair climbing into our daily routine. When doing so, remember to place your foot down flat. This will engage all the leg muscles in one simple daily event. Avoid the temptation to climb the stairs on your tippy toes. As strength builds, so does speed. Stronger legs can be crucial to support the back and mobility - especially as we age.

2. Shoulder bridge
To achieve this, lie on your back with your knees bent, heels in line with your torso and arms by your side. Keeping your head relaxed, inhale and lift your hips up towards the ceiling, stay in position for a moment before coming down with an exhale.
This exercise will help you to work lots of different muscles as well as mobilising the spine, strengthening your entire posterior chain including your glutes, abs, hamstrings, back and pelvic floor.

3. Wall sits
Yes, sitting down! A wall sit is a static position where you sit against a wall as if seated in an invisible chair, engaging your glues, your quads and your core. This is great for lower body stability and strength - and especially for joint health.
To do a wall sit, stand with your back against a wall with your feet about a foot away from the wall. Slide down until your knees are at a ninety degree angle. Keep your core tight and shoulders pressed against the wall. Hold the position for thirty seconds to a minute, rest, then repeat a few times within your five minute slot!

4. Balance on one leg
We have written a blog post just on this one subject. Find out all about it here!
- Hold on to the chair back with both hands.
- Lift one leg off the ground, slowly.
- Maintain your balance while standing on one leg for five seconds.
- Return to the starting position and repeat five times. Try to increase the time spent standing on one leg.
- Perform with opposite leg.
5. Planks
These are a full body exercise snack that can take as little as thirty seconds, working the core while engaging the shoulders and chest and leading to improved posture, a stronger core as well as improved stability and balance.
If you are new to this exercise, focus on keeping core tight wile avoiding sagging in the hips, concentrate on the elbows under shoulders and body in a straight line. Try holding for twenty to thirty seconds at a time with a ten second break in between.

6. Push ups
As push ups can be intimidating, the recommendation is to start with an incline push up with your hands on an elevated surface instead of the floor. Another suggestion is a modified knees push up where you rise up from you knees rather than your toes. Remember to keep your elbows slightly tucked in, avoid flaring out and keep a straight body line.
Aim for doing a set of ten to fifteen in five minutes for a satisfying and challenging hit of exercise.

7. Alternate lunges
These are good for core strength, stability and balance. Start by standing up with your feet hip width apart before stepping forward with one leg, bending your knees to ninety degrees while keeping your weight evenly distributed. Bring your leg back, then repeat on the other leg. Keep it up, focusing on balance and stability within fifty seconds before taking a ten second break. Repeat until your five minutes are up.
8. Squats and jumps
Squats target major muscles in the lower body and build both strength and endurance. They also focus on power while training your lower body muscles to generate significant force quickly.
Descend to a squat position with knees bent and feet shoulder width apart. While engaging your quads and glutes, jump up in the air, extending your legs straight, before landing and descending into the squat again,
If you can build up to three five minute get fit exercises a day, you should really start to notice the difference.