Got Psoriasis or Rosacea?
There are two skin conditions that can cause confusion and these are psoriasis and rosacea.
What do these two conditions have in common?
- They both can be caused by genetic and aging reasons.
- They are both chronic skin conditions.
- They are both very common conditions.
But there are many differences too
While psoriasis can affect your entire body and result in red, scaly plaques on your skin (among other symptoms), rosacea is usually confined to the face especially the nose or cheeks - giving a flushed appearance.
Let's have a look at psoriasis first
This condition is caused by a faulty immune system, making skin cells turn over too quickly and resulting in red, scaly patches and silver scales on the skin. Instead of the normal monthly turn over, the skin cells of those with psoriasis turn over within days - and pile up on the skin’s surface.
Mostly occurring in adults, both males and females can be equally affected by psoriasis.
Psoriasis is not contagious but will often pass down from family members although not all of those with a family history of psoriasis will develop the condition.
There are certain triggers which can lead to psoriasis outbreaks. These include:
- infections
- stress
- cold weather
- alcohol
- certain prescription medications
H-Psoriasis Formula
H-Psoriasis Formula provides gentle, long lasting relief from psoriasis symptoms.

Psoriasis symptoms can occur on any part of the body
- scalp
- trunk
- elbows
- knees
- genitals
Some signs of these symptoms include:
- Raised, reddish patches on the skin called plaques. These may be covered with a silvery white coating.
- Nail problems like pits in the nails, crumbling skin and even nails that fall off.
- Small red spots on the body.
- Red and swollen skin with pus-filled bumps. These usually appear on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. They can cause a lot of discomfort and pain.
- The appearance of red and shiny lesions in the folds of the body.
- Psoriatic arthritis is another symptom which causes mild to severe joint pain, stiffness and swelling. Such outbreaks can come and go.
And now, having a look at rosacea
There are different stages of rosacea with the early stages causing the skin on the face to become red and inflamed while the later stages leading to acne and thickened skin.
There are several reasons for rosacea to appear including a family history. There may be an immune response to:
- A specific bacterium
- A bug in the intestines
- A mite that lives on the skin
- A protein that normally protects the skin from infection
Then there are other factors that lead to an outbreak and these include:
- Strenuous exercise
- Sunlight
- Spicy foods
- Cinnamon and foods containing the compound cinnamaldehyde (for example chocolate and tomatoes)
- Wind
- Cold temperatures
- Hot beverages
- Heavy alcohol consumption
- Stress
Unlike psoriasis where outbreaks are fairly even between males and women, in the case of rosacea women are more susceptible, particularly when going through the menopause. It is also more likely in those with a lighter skin and between the ages of thirty to sixty.
H-Rosacea Formula
H-Rosacea Formula is all natural, contains no additives and is gentle and effective.
What are the symptoms of rosacea?
As we have said, rosacea is mainly confined to the skin on the face - but it can also spread to the eyes.
There are several stages of rosacea that cause different symptoms:
- Early stages mean flushing of the face occurs with or without a burning sensation.
- In vascular rosacea, there is persistent flushing and redness on the face.
- In inflammatory rosacea, redness on the face occurs along with pink bumps (called papules). Sometimes, these bumps contain pus. There can also be eye irritation.
- When the advanced stage of rosacea is reached, a deep shade of red on the face occurs - and any eye inflammation can become worse.
- If a further condition (known as rhinophyma) appears, the nose can become enlarged, bulbous and red. This is more likely in men.
There are treatments to help manage the symptoms of psoriasis and rosacea
A dermatologist will suggest topical treatments, phototherapy or medications for psoriasis. Such treatment may require a combination of these.
Or you can go for a natural treatment...
The best way to tackle psoriasis symptoms and many other reactive skin issues (including psoriatic arthritis) is naturally. Natural products are generally safe to use, gentle, and help soothe the skin rather than irritate it further with harsh chemicals.
Treating rosacea can be a lengthy process with help from a dermatologist -and an ophthalmologist if the eyes are affected. You may be prescribed a topical or oral antibiotic while light therapy is another treatment option.
Again, a natural treatment is available...
H-Rosacea Formula is applied topically and uses established homeopathic ingredients and pure natural essential oils. The product is extremely gentle on your skin and used to tackle the symptoms of rosacea safely and gently in the comfort of your home.
In the meantime, to help combat the symptoms of rosacea:
- Avoid alcohol, hot beverages, spicy foods or other triggers that can bring on facial flushing.
- Wear a natural sunscreen daily.
- Avoid extreme temperatures, both hot and cold.
- Use lukewarm water to wash your face rather than hot water.
While both psoriasis and rosacea are chronic conditions, they can be kept under control with care and treatment. Patience is key for good results.