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Health Blog

  • Is it Safe to Drink the Tap Water Where You Live?

    According to a United Nations Report, there are approximately two billion people worldwide whose drinking water is unsafe - and often they will have to walk miles to access any water and it is often not on tap.

    Here in the UK, the tap water is considered to be of high quality and safe to drink.  

    But many other countries are not so fortunate.

  • Eight Great Foods to Help You Sleep More Soundly

    Everyone craves a good night's sleep but you might not know that there are certain foods that can help with improving the quality of your sleep.

    We share eight suggestions.


  • The Top Ten Benefits of Learning to Play a Musical Instrument

    Learning to play a musical instrument helps adults and children alike to appreciate a wonderful form of artistic expression. 

    The music itself is enough reason to get your children into music lessons if you can.

    Learning to play a musical instrument has so many benefits – whether it’s building your confidence, enhancing your memory or widening your social circle.

    We share ten reasons why you should consider taking up an instrument this year.

  • What Can You Do If You Have a Fear of Heights?

    It is surprisingly common for people of all ages to have a fear of heights.  This phobia is known as acrophobia.

    When such a fear is experienced, it can also lead to anxiety and panic attacks.  It is said that some three to six percent of people suffer from acrophobia and it is even considered normal for many to feel nervous and tense when high up - with young children and animals having an innate fear of falling.

    We share more information about the symptoms and how you can help to overcome this phobia.

  • Arthritis and How It Can Affect Your Knees

    When you have arthritis, the knees are often one of the areas most affected. 

    In some sufferers, it becomes serious enough to warrant a knee replacement of one or even both knees.  But in others, doing the right sort of exercise can be extremely helpful...

  • Vitamin D and How Too Little is Often Recommended

    The whole problem with Vitamin D is that you cannot get much of this vital vitamin from what you eat.

    And added to that is, although the medical profession are in agreement that raising your vitamin D levels is a good thing, they continue to recommend laughably low recommendations for vitamin D intake in solving the ongoing deficiency epidemic.  Higher vitamin D intake will also help to reduce adverse health conditions.

    Find out more about the importance of testing your levels and how to go about increasing your vitamin D intake...

  • Top Ten Tips for Boosting the Brain and the Memory

    Unfortunately, we are all getting older and, as this happens, small lapses in memory and other cognitive functions may become more common.

    Whatever our age, there are simple steps to take to keep the brain healthy and boost our memory.

    We share our top ten tips to this end... 

  • Casein and Its Link to Healing Wounds

    Scientists at the University College London in the UK have been doing research, finding that when bandages are infused with casein, which is a protein found in cow's milk and currently used as a weight-training supplement, can significantly speed up would healing when compared with normal  dressings.  But this is not the only natural remedy for wound healing, we also take a look at Manuka honey which has had a similar reputation for centuries.

  • How to Reduce the Risk of Dementia Now

     You might think it too late to start reducing your risk of dementia but think again - it is never too late or too early to work on improving your brain health.

    With some fifty million people living with dementia worldwide, it is easy to see what a major health problem this has become for us all.

    Research is now telling us to start making those changes in your lifestyle as young as your thirties to help lower your own risk of being affected.

    And if you start to make those changes at a younger age, you will help to prevent or handle other health conditions too as well as your own wellbeing...

  • Ten Ways to Improve Your Eating Habits

    It can be hard work trying to eat in a more healthy way and it is easy to slip into bad habits.

    In this post, we share ten ways to help you improve those eating habits...

  • Your Gut Needs a Good Vacation Too!

    Even if you are really good about taking care of your gut health most of the time, you may be tempted to lapse into less healthy ways when going on vacation or enjoying special occasions.  We share some suggestions to keep your gut health on track whether at home or away...
  • Top Ten Signs and Symptoms of Stress

    There are said to be several secret symptoms of stress, indicators that can point you in the right direction to control their negative impact.  We share the top ten of these...