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Health Blog

  • Fuss-Free Fun For Your Young Family

    Now more than ever it has become important to encourage our young children to use their imaginations to keep them entertained and happy instead of relying on electronic devices.

    Fortunately, there are "play experts" who can share their knowledge and expertise to help parents with this important work...

  • Is Nail Biting a Problem for You?

    Nail biting is a surprisingly common habit that usually starts in childhood, usually around the age of ten.  While some children will soon grow out of this habit, others will carry on with this distressing habit into adulthood.

    Officially known as onychophagia, it is what psychologists call a body focused repetitive behavior or BFRB.

    Find out more about this habit and what can be done to kick it.

  • Top Ten Tips to Keep Your Children Healthy at School

    With cooler weather coming in the northern hemisphere, and our children back at school after their summer vacations, we might find that they are picking up bugs.

    We share some top ten tips on how can we best protect them going forward to ensure they stay as healthy as possible in the coming months?

  • The Top Ten Benefits of Learning to Play a Musical Instrument

    Learning to play a musical instrument helps adults and children alike to appreciate a wonderful form of artistic expression. 

    The music itself is enough reason to get your children into music lessons if you can.

    Learning to play a musical instrument has so many benefits – whether it’s building your confidence, enhancing your memory or widening your social circle.

    We share ten reasons why you should consider taking up an instrument this year.

  • Teething Egg - Does An Egg In An Old Sock Actually Work For Teething?

    Old Wives were renowned for all types of tales but probably the most were those for parents looking after their babies - especially when it comes to teething remedies. In fact, many natural teething remedies have been around for thousands of years.
  • A Lazy Eye has been a Childhood Problem for Many Years

    A lazy eye is medically known as amblyopia and is a type of reduced vision that occurs in one eye.  It is called a lazy eye because the stronger eye works best.

    This condition is the most common cause of visual impairment in children, usually occurring between birth and seven years of age.

    We share the symptoms and what treatment is available...

  • Teens Really Do Need More Sleep

    Teenagers with insomnia can get better and they can achieve better sleep patterns - as can we all. Find out how...


  • Eczema and the risk from Vitamin D deficiency

    The Vitamin D Council has come out with something interesting.  It says that while the causes of eczema aren’t fully understood as yet, there does seem to be a connection between having low vitamin D levels and the common skin condition known as eczema.

    We explore this further...

  • How to Help Your Baby Go to Sleep

    There is an age-old problem - and that is how to get your baby to fall asleep without too much fuss and bother.

    The good news is that now scientists believe they have identified the best way to calm a crying baby, ensuring they fall asleep in their cot in just thirteen minutes.

  • Should Parents Introduce Rules on the Use of Phones at Night?

    Parents will so often face that dilemma on whether they are being too strict or too lenient with their children.

    And the use of smart phones is a typical area of conflict.

  • Why You Should Encourage Your Children to Go Barefoot!

    When you child starts to crawl and then to walk, don't be in too much of a hurry to put him or her into shoes.

    For example, many parents will buy children their first pair of shoes before they are even walking.  However, research has shown that wearing shoes may actually be doing more damage than good.  While parents may feel that children need a good pair of shoes to protect their feet and ankles as they grow, the shoes themselves can actual hinder muscle development - even causing problems for muscle development from toes right up to hips. 

    We share a host of benefits for children who can go barefoot...

  • Breakthrough New Research For Eczema

    We have written on this subject before but now new research published in the British Journal of Dermatology has found that babies had a lower risk of developing atopic eczema in their first year IF their mothers take a Vitamin D supplement.