Top Ten Tips to Offset Damage from Screen Time

Many of us spend a greater part of our day on computers, laptops, tablets or phones meaning that so much screen time could be harming our eyes, our body and our health.
What are the signs and symptoms of the harm being caused?
1. Computer vision syndrome is the name given to the main impact screens could have on our eye health and can include:
- Eye fatigue leading to blurred vision and tired eyes.
- Dry eye said to be caused by blinking less often when in front of a screen, meaning our eyes get less lubrication so that they end up dry and irritated.
- The intense light and pressure our eyes are subjected to continuously can cause headaches, making focusing more difficult.
- Another result can be the development of hypersensitivity to light whether it is natural or artificial.
2. Poor posture and neck alignment is another symptom with people possibly storing up a lifetime of neck and back pain.
3. In addition, lack of sleep and insomnia can also be a problem. Extended screen exposure can cause disruptions to sleeping patterns and quality while also negatively impacting on eye health. Lack of sleep can lead to an increased risk of developing glaucoma which if not managed early can actually lead to blindness.
Here are some simple solutions
1. In the workplace, sit at an appropriate distance from your computer screen and at eye level. The monitor and keyboard should be positioned in a straight line with you.
2. Follow the 20-20-20 rule which involves looking away from the screen every twenty minutes to look for twenty seconds at a fixed point twenty feet away, relieving stress on your eyes and forcing the habit of taking screen breaks.
3. Make sure your screen has a good resolution to avoid eye strain. The actual display should have a high resolution along with strong BGB color accuracy settings and a non LED panel.
4. Use lubricating eye drops of a good quality for managing dry eye symptoms.
5. Remember to blink regularly. Forcing yourself to blink is a handy exercise to alleviate dryness and eye strain.
6. Practise good eyelid hygiene when suffering from dry eye. Clean the eyes gently and thoroughly as well as using a warm compress to clear any blocked glands.
7. It is a good idea to spend time away from screens in spite of the temptation. Doing something completely different will benefit your mind, your body - and your eyes.
8. If you increase the font size on your screen, this can help to reduce the strain on your eyes.
9. You might not realize the connection but it is vital to keep hydrated. This is because our eyes are made up mostly of water and keeping hydrated will help reduce eye strain and ensure the eyes remain healthy. Dehydration can lead to blurred vision as well as other health issues.
10. Get up and get going regularly so that you are not in one position for long periods of time.. Move around regularly and adjust positions, helping to keep your muscles awake.
If you are at all concerned about your eye health, and symptoms affecting your eyes persist, make an appointment to see an eye specialist. If you spend a lot of time in front of screens, you should be having your eyes tested at least once every two years anyway.
SOURCES: .(Accessed May 20, 2021). .(Accessed May 20, 2021). .(Accessed May 20, 2021).