Top Tips for Dog Owners on How to Use Essential Oils

We want to care for our dogs, giving them all the love and attention they deserve - and one of the ways we can help them (when there is a need) is through essential oils.
According to the American Kennel Club: Preliminary research suggests that these potent oils may have some health benefits for dogs (and humans), and many holistic veterinarians incorporate essential oils into their practices.
Here are some essential oils that can be helpful for our pets
1. Lavender Oil
Many people will already have Lavender Oil in their homes. While it can provide a good essential oil to combat dog odor, it will also help to calm your pet (especially dogs) where lavender essential oil's calming effects can be very helpful for anxiety (often induced by visits to the vet or car rides), car sickness or sleep troubles.
Just the scent of the Lavender Oil will do this calming work for you.
In addition, you can make your own Calming Spray to be used before and during stressful events. You will need:
- 2oz Witch Hazel liquid or vodka.
- 2 tsp castor oil.
- 5 ounces of distilled water.
- 3 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil.
- 3 drops of Lavender Essential Oil.
- 12oz spray bottle.
- Mix Witch Hazel and castor oil together, adding the essential oils before shaking.
- Add distilled water.
- Cover face and eyes of your dog with a cloth or hand.
- Shake and spray a light mist over your dog during times when they need help settling.
2. H-Hemorrhoids Formula
Yes‚ dogs, cats and other pet animals can all suffer from hemorrhoids too. These can be caused by too much pressure in the rectum brought on by sitting for long periods, by constipation or by straining to make a bowel movement.
Canine hemorrhoids can be either internal or external:
The internal ones are located deep inside the anus where there are few nerve endings so there is usually little or no pain or discomfort. But if you notice bleeding from the anus of your pet, be suspicious of internal hemorrhoids and treat accordingly to heal the condition.
External hemorrhoids are more obvious both from appearance and symptoms. A typical symptom includes the dog dragging his torso along the ground to stop the itching. Untreated, your dog can experience pain and discomfort as well as the risk of infection. Abscesses can appear on the anal glands which may even damage the nerve endings and cause fecal incontinence. An impacted anal gland will often leave a smelly discharge when the torso is dragged across the floor or the carpet and will usually need to be surgically removed.
Changing the habits and diet of your pet will go a long way to avoiding hemorrhoids in the first place while treating them with a healing natural oils product will help with the healing process.