You Cannot be in a Rush When you Treat Nail Fungus

Yes, treating nail fungus requires patience. Although these infections are common, they are not serious but they can take a long time to treat.
While they are more likely to occur on your toenails, your fingernails can be infected too.
How do nail infections start?
They can start at the edge of the nail with the infection frequently spreading to the middle of the nail if not treated, discoloring the nail and even causing it to thicken.
The nail can become brittle with little pieces of it breaking off.
The whole nail can even lift off the nail bed, causing pain and swelling in the skin surrounding the nail.
Toenail fungus may start out as a small irritation but when it spreads, it can turn into something much more serious. When left untreated, more and more of the nail can be taken over by the thick yellow-white debris of the fungus.
That’s why treating the fungus early and often is so critical.
How can you treat nail fungus?
- You can use antifungal nail cream which can take up to twelve months to cure the infection and may not always be successful.
- There is a nail-softening cream which should be used for two weeks to soften the nail so the infected part can be scraped off.
- A dedicated and medicated soap (and specifically one that combines all natural ingredients) can be used daily to clean the body. Besides treating toenail fungus, the soap can also help to alleviate athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch, and body odor.
Your doctor can prescribe antifungal tablets after taking a sample of your nail and having it tested to find out what type of infection is affecting your nail. It is possible you may have to take these antifungal tablets for up to six months and they can have side effects including: headaches, itching, loss of taste, nausea and diarrhea. Certain conditions and being pregnant preclude using such tablets and they can be damaging to your liver.
- If your nail or nails are seriously infected, they may need to be removed in a procedure where a local anesthetic is used.
- Lazer treatment can sometimes be used to destroy the fungus.
Suggestions for a more natural treatment for nail fungus
How about a foot soak?
This can be used at the end of each day to soothe the skin while helping to treat toenail fungus or you can use two or three times during the day. You will need: Epsom salts and Tea Tree Essential Oil to help fight fungus living on the nail bed. Soak your feet in this solution for fifteen to twenty minutes. Mix a few drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil with one tablespoon of Epsom salt in a basin or bucket. The soak will provide a protective layer to prevent dirt from entering and settling in the nail bed. You can keep using the foot soak for up to two months.
Follow up with regular treatment with H-Nail Fungus Formula
H-Nail Fungus Formula will treat your nail fungus gently and safely with this 100% natural product and will be effective against nail fungus both in fingernails and toenails as well as dermatophytes, onychomycosis and yeast (candida).
H-Nail Fungus Formula works by reducing the fungus in the nail bed. The product is concentrated with a deep penetrating anti-fungal action. For extra benefit, add a drop to the bath water. When used as directed, the formula will reduce the symptoms of nail fungus such as discoloration so that your finger nails and/or toenails are restored to their former healthy appearance. The product is delivered with full instructions.
How can you try to prevent nail fungus?
- Nail fungus infections in the feet are more likely to develop if your feet are constantly warm and damp. For example, wearing trainers for long periods of time with hot and sweaty feet.
- Always treat athlete's foot as quickly as possible to avoid it spreading to the nails. Keep your feet clean and dry.
- Always put on clean socks every day and even more often if appropriate.
- Let your feet breathe as much as possible. Avoid wearing shoes that make your feet feel hot and sweaty.
- Don't go barefoot in public showers, gyms or round the pool.
- Don't be tempted to hang on to old shoes.
- Avoid sharing towels, nail clippers or scissors with others. Make sure you have your own supply.
A couple of words of warning
- If you have diabetes, you should see a foot specialist (podiatrist) because any foot injury or infection can lead to complications.
- See your doctor if your nail fungus is severe and treatment has not worked or if it has spread to other nails.
The infection is cured when you see healthy nail growing back at the base.

Varade RS, et al. Cutaneous fungal infections in the elderly. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 2013;29:461.
Gupta AK, et al. Improved efficacy in onychomycosis therapy. Clinics in Dermatology. 2013;31:555.
Westerberg DP, et al. Onychomycosis: Current trends in diagnosis and treatment. American Family Physician. 2013;88:762.
AskMayoExpert. Fungal nail infection (onychomycosis). Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2017.
Nail care. Natural Medicines. (Accessed August 17, 2021).