Eczema is a Common Skin Condition in Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, there can be a whole list of unwanted discomforts that you might have to endure. In addition, pregnancy can trigger a lot of different changes in the skin for women. These can include:
- Changes to your skin pigmentation, such as dark spots.
- Acne outbreaks.
- Unexpected rashes.
- Skin sensitivity.
- Dry or oily skin.
- Pregnancy-induced eczema
And pregnancy hormones could be why many of these skin changes occur. Often, there has been no previous history of eczema. There are other names for this type of eczema in pregnancy.
- atopic eruption of pregnancy (AEP)
- prurigo of pregnancy
- pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy
- papular dermatitis of pregnancy
Pregnancy-induced eczema is very common, possibly accounting for up to fifty percent of all eczema cases and could be association with immune function and autoimmune disorders as well as a history of asthma and hay fever.
What are the symptoms of pregnancy-induced eczema?
- These include red, rough, itchy bumps that can appear on different areas of the body.
- These bumps often appear in groups and may have a crust.
- Pustules may also be visible.
Those who are pregnant, and already have a history of eczema, may find that their eczema becomes worse although some symptoms may actually improve.
While it is not clear what actually causes eczema, environmental and genetic factors are thought to play a role. Your doctor will usually be able to diagnose eczema simply by looking at your skin. A biopsy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis if there is any doubt. Your doctor will want to know about any changes you notice during your pregnancy so they can rule out any other conditions that could be causing your skin changes and to make sure that your baby isn’t affected. Here is a list to help you to give your doctor this information.
- The rough date that the skin changes began
- Any changes in routine or lifestyle, including diet, that may contribute to the changes to your skin.
- More about your symptoms and how they are impacting your daily life.
- Information about any triggers you might have noticed.
- Any medications being taken as well as any treatments already used for the eczema.
How can you treat eczema during pregnancy?
- Moisturizing is very important in eczema.
- Typically, your doctor may prescribe a steroid ointment to apply to your skin although these may cause concern.
- Another suggestion for treating more severe cases of eczema is UV light therapy which could be useful in helping to clear up the eczema.
- Avoid any treatments that involve methotrexate (Trexail, Rasuvo) or psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) during pregnancy.
Our own H-Eczema Formula is perfect for mild to severe eczema symptoms including during pregnancy with the proviso that if pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before use.
Many of those commercial eczema medications may contain chemicals and other potentially harmful ingredients. Even though there is no cure for eczema, controlling your symptoms is possible. Natural products work with your body to heal your symptoms.
More eczema home remedies
One is the simple use of water. Apply cold compresses or cold water. Cold, wet dressings can help soothe and relieve the itching associated with eczema. You can even use cold milk instead of water for an extra soothing experience. Apply the dressing to irritated skin for a few minutes. Re-soak the cloth and reapply, continuing the process for about 10 minutes several times per day.
Some regular sunlight and the vitamin D it produces in your system are a healing combination. Not being deficient in Vitamin D (the feel good hormone) is imperative when treating any condition so it is always worth while to be tested for your levels so that, if you are unable to get sufficient sunlight for 15 to 20 minutes (closest to noon) several times per week to as much as your body as possible, you can top up with a vitamin D3 supplement.
Eczema is aggravated by dehumidified air - especially during winter months when forced-air heat circulates in the home. As this heat is more drying than other types, a good humidifier is an excellent home remedy for eczema. Make sure your humidifier covers a large area of the home to be beneficial. Also put one next to the bed of anyone suffering from eczema so they benefit as they sleep.
And there is more...
- Take warm, moderate showers instead of hot showers.
- Keep your skin hydrated with moisturizers.
- Apply moisturizer directly after you shower.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing that won’t irritate your skin. Choose clothing made from natural products, like cotton. Wool and hemp clothing may cause additional irritation to your skin.
- Avoid harsh soaps or body cleaners.
- Drink water throughout the day. It’s beneficial not only to your health and the health of your baby, but also to your skin.