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Health Blog

  • Fruit and Vegetables Don't Have to be the Perfect Shape

    With food shortages and an increasing cost of living crisis hitting many parts of the world, it becomes more important than ever that every bit of food is put to good use.
  • All You Need to Know About Wearing Your Bra!

    As a woman, there is something you might not have given much thought to - and that is how you put on your bra!

    Apparently there are lots of wrong ways and only one right way.

  • A Tomato a Day...

    We all know that old saying about an "apple a day keeping the doctor away" but we might not know that the same can be said of a tomato!

    Research is now telling us that tomatoes are worth their weight in health benefits.

    Find out more about these top ten benefits...

  • Is Standing on One Leg Like a Flamingo a Good Idea?

    There is new research out and it is all about being able to stand on one leg as if you were a flamingo.

    A team of scientists from around the world have got together to come up with a test called the one-legged stance test or OLS. 

    Find out more about their findings...

  • Wrinkles will Definitely Come with Smoking

    While smokers are usually well aware that cigarette smoking puts their health at risk, they might not realize that their skin can be seriously affected too.

    The problem is that cigarettes are full of toxins that can lead to premature aging, wrinkles and other skin conditions.  In fact, if you have an existing skin condition, smoking can aggravate this condition.

  • You Cannot be in a Rush When you Treat Nail Fungus

    Yes, treating nail fungus requires patience.  Although these infections are common, they are not serious but they can take a long time to treat.

    While they are more likely to occur on your toenails, your fingernails can be infected too.

  • Top Tips to deal with Migraine Headaches

    Researchers have discovered that one in six people around the world has a headache on any given day - with almost half of these headaches being migraines.
  • Skin Tag on Eyelid Removal: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention Tips

    The good news regarding skintags on the eyelids is that they are not dangerous in any way and they are not usually painful,  However, they may become irritated and sensitive if they catch on clothing or jewellery.
  • How Do We Really Know How Many Hours Sleep We Need at Night?

    We often become anxious if we find ourselves waking up in the middle of the night or during the very early hours of the morning, thinking that we are just not getting sufficient sleep.

    And yet, during historical times, people had very different sleeping habits.

  • Those with a Darker Skin have a higher risk of being Vitamin D Deficient

    Here in the UK, the Secretary of Health has launched a call for evidence to improve vitamin D levels in the UK population while at the same time talking openly about vitamin D - and racial health disparities due to vitamin D deficiency.
  • Nature and the Link with Reducing Risk of Dementia

    We constantly read about the importance of being out in nature for our wellbeing.

    Now a new benefit is being written about - namely that living near or among trees and grass has such a rejuvenating effect that it can delay that mental decline that can occur in middle age and potentially reduce the risk of dementia in later life.

  • We Know About DYSLEXIA but What About DYSCALCULIA?

    Dyscalculia (pronounced to rhyme with Julia) is a specific cognitive impairment affecting the understanding of numbers.  Those who suffer from this condition could have trouble with numbers - namely doing simple calculations, remembering numbers or even putting them in size order.